Megan Foxs Thumb Has Been a Subject of Mention on Social Media for Years

In 2008, For Him Magazine named Megan Fox "The Sexiest Woman In The World." Yet despite being one of the most beautiful and desired actresses of her time, the "Jennifer's Body" star's looks haven't been exempt from public scrutiny, especially with her unusual-looking thumb.

Megan Fox's thumb has been the subject of both ridicule and discussion among the public. However, the actress hasn't shown any hesitance regarding speaking about it or even resting it on her lips on magazine covers.

Despite the scrutiny, Fox's strange thumb hasn't affected her work as the model's career continues to bloom. As the topic of her thumb continues circling on social media - as it has for years - medical experts have also weighed in to soothe the actress's fans' curiosity.

Megan Fox's Thumb Is Discussed in Media

Twitter is a hub for all kinds of controversial opinions, including those about Megan Fox's thumb. In October last year, Kramerica Industries shared a tweet complimenting Fox as she was "looking all hot." Yet, the Twitter user couldn't help but mull over the model's peculiar looking-thumb. In response, Dans La Poubell retweeted:

"Looks like a cashew nut."

Earlier this year, another user, Mel, shared a tweet explaining that she was watching the show "Love & Basketball" when she realized that both Sanaa Lathan and Megan Fox had "toe thumbs." Mel remarked that she now had a "mental folder" of celebrities with "toe thumbs."

Last year, around the same time Kramerica Industries shared their tweet, Elena remarked that people were only now back to thinking Megan Fox was "cringe," forgetting the time they discovered the actress had "toe thumbs."

Moreover, the discourse continued with Madalayne tweeting that she was thinking about the "Transformers" star's peculiar thumbs, while Daniela wondered why they looked the way they did.

Why Does Megan Fox Have Such a Thumb?

The New York Daily Times invited doctors from the Hackensen and Beth Israel Medical Centers to weigh in on the subject of Megan Fox's thumb. They shared that the medical term for Fox's thumb condition is "brachydactyly," which in simple terms means "clubbed thumb."

Dr. Steven Beldner of Beth Israel explained that the term's literal meaning is "short finger" and that this kind of thumb typically has a very short and wide nail. Beldner added that brachydactyly is usually genetically inherited, but in some cases, it can be caused by frostbite.

Moreover, brachydactyly affects every one in one thousand people, and those who have it are also likely to have it on their toes. Dr. Richard Kim of Hackensen said that the thumb is the most important finger on the hand, as it is essential for pinching and touching the other fingers. Regarding Megan Fox's case, Dr. Kim added:

"In Megan Fox's case, it appears that only the last bone of the thumb is affected and that it does not involve the joint. For her, it looks like it's just a cosmetic deficit."

What Does Megan Fox Think About Her Thumb?

Although Megan Fox remains unbothered about her thumb, she has mentioned it on seldom occasions. According to Suggest, Fox opened up about her pregnancy with her son, Noah Shannon Green, where she stopped having sushi due to a health risk.

When the actress told her mother - Gloria Darlene Fox, who also gave birth to Fox's older sister Kristi Branim Fox - Gloria Darlene said she ate tuna most of the time when she carried the "Till Death" star. Upon that discovery, and Per Suggest, she wondered if that's how she developed brachydactyly, saying:

"I was wondering if that was what happened to my thumbs. They're weird, and they're really fat, and there's like a weird knuckle."

Regardless of the weird knuckle in her thumb, Fox remains sure of herself and her beauty and feels that sexual confidence is ingrained in her nature. However, handling the fame of being a sex symbol hasn't been easy for the model, as she once said she didn't know how to deal with it.
